ACMA report shows Australians going mobile, big time.

Communications minister, senator Stephen Conroy has table the ACMA’s annual communications report in Parliament. It shows Australians increasing love of mobile phones for data and in lieu of fixed lines.

The ACMA reported The total number of mobile services in operation (voice and data services) in Australia increased by seven per cent during 2009–10 to reach 25.99 million services at June 2010, saying The net growth in mobile services was fuelled by a very significant surge in the numbers of mobile wireless broadband services (datacard/dongle connected to a computer) which increased by 71 per cent over the period to reach 3.46 million at June 2010.… Read more --->

Wetting our WikiLeaks whistle

In 2007, Time magazine’s person of the year was ‘you’ – for “…seizing the reins of the global media, for founding and framing the new digital democracy, for working for nothing and beating the pros at their own game.

In highlighting this new ‘digital democracy’, there was a recognition of positive and negative implications of this democratic and, seemingly, uncontrollable medium.Read more --->