Google I/O:It’s free. It’s infinite. And it’s available today.
Like photos? Then Google’s your new best friend.
The tech giant is giving everyone in the planet (or rather everyone with a Google account, which is close to the same thing) unlimited storage for all of their photos and videos for free, for ever and ever, via its new Google Photos app.
The announcement, which had been widely rumoured, was made today at Google’s I/O 2015 developer conference. And it’s fair to say that we’re pretty excited about it.
All those times when you run out of space for new videos on your phone? Gone. All those photos living on assorted hard drives and SD cards and USB sticks? Combined into one vast digital gallery.
It’ll be available on Android, iOS and web, meaning that you can easily back up photos from all of your devices in one place. These photos will then be browsable in a distinctly iOS-like scrollable timeline, which can be zoomed out to encompass months or years as you wish.
And there’s more.