Failure to communicate bedevils NBN rollout

Jim Kessarios pointed at a map of his Greek home island, Lemnos, on a shelf at the Midway Point store. Lemnos? Where in the Aegean is that? “It’s where the Allies hid before Gallipoli,” he said.

Half a world away, Kessarios and his wife Maria have run their Tasmanian store for 30 years. He manages the business with pen and paper, has no computer, certainly no use for the internet. “It’s too complicated for me,” Kessarios said, waving the idea away. “My boys maybe, but not me. I’m old-fashioned. I never mix with it.”…

…Digi-phobic small businessman that he is, Kessarios had no problem with either the ambition or its costs. It turns out his eye is focused not only on history. “It’s worth spending for the future,” he said. “You have to look to the future.”

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